Developing the gifts of female leaders in the Evangelical Free Church of America
Prepared is a gospel-centered, affordable, accessible and systematic two-year equipping program for women in ministry leadership or preparing to serve in ministry leadership, locally or globally.



Women in the EFCA are encouraged to exercise their God-given spiritual gifts of leadership, teaching, evangelism, shepherding and serving in order to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ and their call as His disciples. However, many women with leadership gifts do not have the opportunity to receive training in these areas due to their stage of life, location or financial situation.
Women in ministry leadership have unique opportunities and unique challenges, and Prepared seeks to meet women where they are in their ministry journeys.
As part of a class of 25 women, you will learn from ten courses on topics ranging from spiritual formation to ministry leadership—all with the goal of better preparing you for the ministry to which you are called through growth and transformation in your personal life and leadership.
Prepared honors the EFCA's positions regarding women and ordination. While ordination is reserved for men, this training initiative is an effort to steward the gifts of women in the local church. Learn more about women and leadership in the EFCA.
Prepared provides education and training to help women use their God-given gifts for ministry in the local church.
Students benefit from the instructors who are highly qualified and who have years of practical experience in Christian higher education, the local church, and cross-cultural ministry. Every instructor affirms and supports the EFCA Statement of Faith and mission.
The entire two-year program costs $1,200—a fraction of the price of traditional ministry education settings, and scholarships are available if needed.
EFCA President Emeritus, Kevin Kompelien
"It will take everyone using their gifts in ministry for the EFCA to most effectively live out God's mission. To see that happen it is essential that we invest in the gifts and abilities of women."

Applications for the January 2025 program are due November 1, 2024.