Prepared’s two-year program consists of ten courses and three modules. Each course is six weeks long, with students meeting for instruction once a week for two and a half hours. All class meetings will be conducted on Zoom and will consist of lecture and discussion. Each class will have assignments that focus on the three values of personal reflection, community learning and course content comprehension.
Cohort Course Schedule
Cohort Student Handbook
Course 1: Women as Leaders in God's Mission
Course Description: This course is designed to help women serve as ministry leaders in God’s mission. The developmental process, qualities and strategies of a leader in God’s mission will be examined. Special attention will be given to understanding and responding with grace to the opportunities and challenges women face as ministry leaders in God’s mission.
Student Learning Outcomes: As a result of this course, the student will do the following:
- Describe the qualities and developmental processes of women as ministry leaders in God’s mission.
- Describe the opportunities and challenges unique to women in ministry leadership.
- Develop a biblical plan for managing conflict and responding to people who wound.
- Create a strategy for developing a ministry focused on God’s mission that includes vision-casting, recruiting, equipping and developing team members and volunteers.
Course 2: The Narrative Overview of Scripture
Course Description: This course is designed to examine the meta-narrative of Scripture. Women will consider how various parts of the Bible as well as their own stories fit within this meta-narrative. Additionally, women will consider how to introduce the big picture of the Bible to those they minister.
Student Learning Outcomes: As a result of this course the student will do the following:
- Summarize the overarching story of the Bible.
- Define "kingdom of God" and trace the storylines of God’s people, God’s place and God’s rule and blessing in Scripture.
- Discover and share how her own story fits within the key movements of Scripture: Creation, Fall, Redemption and Consummation.
- Develop a plan to introduce the big picture of the Bible into a specific ministry area.
Course 3: Soul Care and Ministry Leadership
Course Description: This course is designed to help women grasp a better understanding of the soul and discover ways to care for her soul. Both barriers to soul care and practices for soul care will be explored.
Student Learning Outcomes: As a result of this course, the student will do the following:
- Comprehend the value of soul care in the leader’s life.
- Identify barriers to emotional and spiritual unhealthiness.
- Create a personal rule of life.
- Practice spiritual rhythms that strengthen the soul.
Course 4: Introduction to Hermeneutics
Course Description: This course introduces the students to the methods of biblical interpretation. Students will learn the fundamental principles of biblical interpretation and how to apply them when using the inductive method of studying a biblical text. Students will be introduced to tools and resources that aid in biblical interpretation.
Student Learning Outcomes: As a result of this course, the student will do the following:
- List and explain the principles of biblical interpretation.
- Be able to identify the genre, the historical, literary and theological context and the structure of a biblical text.
- Do a word study of significant words in a biblical text.
- Find the author’s intent of a text and how to apply the text by completing the steps of inductive Bible study.
- Use the appropriate tools and resources that aid in accurately interpreting the biblical text.
Course 5: Theology of Women in Ministry Leadership
Course Description: This course is designed to give the student an overview of passages pertaining to a biblical and theological perspective of the role of women in the ministry of the local church. We will examine significant contributions women have made from biblical times to the present. Special attention will be given to the relationship of men and women co-laboring for the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
Student Learning Outcomes: As a result of this course, the student will do the following:
- Analyze selected biblical passages pertaining to God’s value of women and their purpose to serve Him.
- Define interpretive perspectives of women in ministry leadership.
- Interact with the perspective of women in ministry leadership within their local church.
- Increase their knowledge of the contribution of women in the biblical narrative.
- Consider the relationship of men and women co-laboring for the gospel.
Course 6: Introduction to Homiletics
Course Description: This course is designed to equip women with the skills necessary to prepare and deliver an expositional sermon that is tailored to their particular ministry setting. Women will learn foundational homiletical theory and be given the essential tools and process necessary to move from text to sermon. Students will practice these skills together in a supervised context and implement them in their ministries.
Student Learning Outcomes: As a result of this course, the student will do the following:
- Define homiletics and more specifically, explain the concept of expository preaching.
- Explain the relationship of preparation and the work of the Spirit in expositional preaching.
- Follow a procedure to move from text to sermon.
- Identify and preach the "Big Idea" of a text.
- Construct a sermon outline and write a sermon manuscript.
- Deliver, with clarity and conviction, a text for a ministry in their church.
Course 7: Biblical Spiritual Formation in Ministry
Course Description: This course explores the process of biblical spiritual formation in the context of the individual and the Christian community. Scripture passages will be investigated that help women understand the process of formation as revealed in the Bible. The class will also examine the importance of creating environments that promote biblical spiritual formation.
Student Learning Outcomes: As a result of this course, the student will do the following:
- Define spiritual formation in the context of holistic church ministry.
- Explain the process of spiritual formation and faith development.
- Differentiate between biblical spiritual formation in the church and unbiblical spiritual formation.
- Analyze selected biblical passages and explain their importance to the development of biblical spiritual formation principles in the church.
- Create a plan of biblical spiritual formation ministry for a local church.
Course 8: Disciple-Making in a Post-Modern and Post-Christian Culture
Course Description: This course is designed to equip women for disciple-making in a post-modern and post-Christian culture. Students will review biblical principles of disciplemaking and consider characteristics of our post-modern and post-Christian culture in order to understand the essentials for disciple-making in this culture.
Student Learning Outcomes: As a result of this course the student will do the following:
- Review the biblical principles of disciple-making.
- Identify the characteristics of a post-modern and post-Christian culture.
- Recognize the essentials for disciple-making in a post-modern and post-Christian culture.
- Consider an effective plan for disciple-making in a post-modern and post-Christian culture.
Course 9: Ministry to Women in Pain
Course Description: This course is designed to examine elements of effective, compassionate ministry care of women. Students will discuss a biblical worldview of suffering and pain and gain skills to respond to specific common issues women face.
Student Learning Outcomes: As a result of this course, the student will do the following:
- Examine the biblical perspective of suffering and pain.
- Increase in basic skills of empathy and compassionate listening.
- Identify important "dos" and "don’ts" when responding to pain.
- Learn how to help women through painful circumstances.
Course 10: Introduction to EFCA Doctrine
Course Description: This course is designed to introduce women to the EFCA statement of faith. Women will gain a deeper understanding of the ten articles and how the truths contained within should impact her life and ministry. Additionally, women will consider how they might faithfully pass on this doctrine.
Student Learning Outcomes: As a result of this course, the student will do the following:
- Define doctrine and explain the purpose of a statement of faith.
- Summarize the expanded gospel message found within the EFCA Statement of Faith.
- Examine the ten articles of the EFCA Statement of Faith along with corresponding Scripture and explain what each article teaches about God and how we should respond.
- Develop and describe a personal theological process.
- Create a plan to pass on doctrine within a specific ministry area.